Lead Your Life From Soul Leaving Behind Separation And Disconnection So You Can

Join This Exclusive Membership Group That Leads You to Know Your Worth From Your Soul’s Codes and Gifts, Elevate Your Frequency, Ignite Your Intuition, and Live Life Passionately on Purpose.

I've worked with Dawn for a couple years and have benefited enormously from her gifts as an Intuitive Healer. Her ability to attune to and channel spiritual wisdom is profound. Dawn's guidance has helped accelerate my personal and professional growth tenfold, and I've loved working with her in both individual and group settings. 
If you have the opportunity to work with Dawn, you're about to experience a true gift. 
Brooke N.

Lead Your Life From Soul Leaving Behind Separation & Disconnection So You Can

Join This Exclusive Membership Group That Leads You to Know Your Worth From Your Soul’s Codes and Gifts, Elevate Your Frequency, Ignite Your Intuition, and Live Life Passionately on Purpose.

I've worked with Dawn for a couple years and have benefited enormously from her gifts as an Intuitive Healer. Her ability to attune to and channel spiritual wisdom is profound. Dawn's guidance has helped accelerate my personal and professional growth tenfold, and I've loved working with her in both individual and group settings. 
If you have the opportunity to work with Dawn, you're about to experience a true gift. 
Brooke N.
How many times have you been hijacked by your Ego? Oh that pesky Ego...always wanting you to stay safe and in your comfort zone.  
It loves to tell you why you can’t do it, shouldn’t, or make you doubt yourself.
If you listen for long enough, you start to feel limited because it’s whole job is to keep you in survival mode. 
Before you know it, you start to feel disconnected and disillusioned because you don’t know what your purpose is.
When you’re just “surviving”, you forget how infinite your SOUL is and how many possibilities are available to you. 
Worse yet, if you keep listening to your Ego, things might start to feel hard and like you can’t hear your Intuition or access your Divine Support Team.
You will feel like you’re going through it ALONE.
As much as you feel like you’re here on this planet for some bigger reason, you start to feel like no one understands you or could even get you.  
So you decide to take a spiritual workshop, program, or retreat and get a big rush and feel connected to your new soul sisters and the Divine, but then go home and it starts to fade again.  
You just can’t seem to keep up the stamina to feel that high vibing all the time on your own.
It’s so easy to get lost, off track, or out of alignment with your Soul. Like everything in life, you must be intentional and focused so you stay on the path of growth. 

Now more than ever, it’s time to prioritize your energy (frequency), intuition, and your soul’s journey.

I spent so many years when I was younger feeling depressed and alone inside. I felt like I had to hide my gifts because nobody around me really understood them or me.

I grew up with a deep connection with the Divine, but as I got older, life pulled me in so many different directions. 
I got caught up trying to please everyone around me and live my life based on what I could achieve and started to lose my connection with my soul and my truth.

It started to affect how I lived my life. I had so many white lies I would tell myself so that I could keep up the facade that I was happy. It wasn’t till my health started to act up that I finally started paying attention. When I 
stopped long enough to listen to my body to start healing, I realized that I’d gotten so far off path, that I had no idea what my Soul/Heart really wanted.
That was over 13 years ago when I had my first dark night of the soul that ended with me getting divorced, getting laid off from a very lucrative corporate 6 year job, having a myriad of health issues, and having to start completely over.
When everything fell apart, what got me through all that was starting to come back home to myself, and I’ve been on that journey ever since.

I’ve had more dark nights of the soul, but the difference is that after my first, I decided to follow my heart, surrender to grace, and listen to the Divine which unlocked a world of new possibilities.   

We all need to know our bigger why.
You got so programmed to think if you attain your next big goal, look a certain way, have lots of money in the bank, and climb the success ladder, you will be happy.
So, why do you still feel so f’in empty inside? Because that rat race is all about what’s outside of you without focusing on your relationship to seeing and loving yourself through the eyes of your Soul. 
Our world needs healing and to come back to love. Momma Earth is ascending and so are we. There’s so much noise and chaos out there, You literally need to nourish and feed your Soul more than ever so your intuition and truth don’t get drowned out in all the negativity.
That’s why I created this for you….


A Hub for Alchemy and Sustainable Transformation

I’ve done 1000’s of Intuitive Healing sessions and the #1 thing I see is that you want to stay connected and know how to navigate life from a solid foundation rooted in your Highest Self and the Divine. That foundation is priceless especially when you say yes to creating a new Earth.

You came here with a Divine Blueprint and Soul Mission…your purpose. The more you tune into that and remember who you are on soul level, you start to remember you are an emanation of the Divine.  
You remember that you are perfect, whole, and complete.
I created Soul Lab, a monthly membership community, to support you in harnessing your light and living from your Soul. Here, you will receive teachings, meditations, guided Frequency Activations, community, spiritual tools, and more.  
    You keep falling off the horse with your spiritual practice and know if you dedicated time to it,  it will flourish
    Are craving true and real connection with other soul sisters
    Want to activate your unique Soul Gifts and Codes
    Love meditation on Steroids! Think Quantum Healing through Frequency Activations
    You’re ready to let go is the Struggle paradigm  and Co-Create with Ease
    Time line Shifting to your Best life
    You’re ready to show up without a mask and be your authentic self
    Want to learn more about your Divine Blueprint  (purpose) and how to access it
    Want to Lead your life through Spirit
    Want to shift Timelines and learn how to access  your Future Self
    Ignite your Intuition
    Want to work with someone who is an expert in her field with Frequency, Channeling, Intuition, and Soul truth
    If you want to keep thinking your ego knows best
    Want to stay addicted and looping in drama
    Want to stay to rooted in the familiar past
    Don’t value the power of Quantum Healing
    Don’t care about your purpose on this planet
    Don’t crave to be truly seen by others
    Think you’re a victim and stuck in your life
You know that the best way to keep your frequency high is to surround yourself in the energy of the things and people that resonate. Soul Lab will lift you up and bring joy while still keeping it real. No spiritual bypassing here.
The moment you say yes to Soul Lab is the moment you say yes to living a greater and more fulfilling life.
LIfe is so busy and we don’t need more distractions or overwhelm, so I want you to see this as a date with your Soul. The membership is easy to access. After years of being engrossed in my own spiritual journey, I have identified some strategic ways and times of the month for you to stay in flow with the cosmic energy and use your time wisely.
I had an amazing intuitive healing session with Dawn and while all of my sessions with her have been enlightening, this one hit a chord. Dawn serves as a conduit to make the realizations and healing more impactful and powerful. Dawn held the mirror up to me, seeing patterns I have created in response to my childhood imprint that no longer serves me and my growth. Helping me to embrace my inner child, connecting my feminine and masculine and melding into one whole being. She showed me that I have the power and key to my own growth and happiness. My pattern or story is something I created and I can break free of those bonds and create a new one. 
Thank you Dawn for guiding me on my journey of self rediscovery, healing and love!

New Moon Webinar & Guided Meditation

This workshop includes a soul led discussion on how to best navigate the cosmic energy, set intentions, soul inquiry, and a guided healing.  There is a 15 min Q&A for members to ask and be coached on related topics to the webinar.
-90 minutes live Zoom
(Value $350)

Wisdom Teaching & Frequency Activation

Wisdom Teaching is channeled for the group.  Dawn Elle will lead with a teaching and then finish with an Activation.  Frequency Activations are guided meditation journeys on steroids! Futuring, Somatic Healing, Quantum Healing, Frequency Alignment, & Breath work are used. They are immersive experiences that allow you to truly release old programming, density in your field, and ascend in your consciousness and connection to Source.
Bonus Sessions included on a pop up basis for big astrology events
-60 minutes
-Value $500

Community: Telegram Channel and Group Chat

Connect with other like minded Members 
(Value $150)

Soulcast & Monthly Energy Report

Tap into the energy of the month to know how to best navigate it with Dawn Elle's report that outlines each week for you 
(Value $350)


Soul Lab VIP Discount on Workshops & Sessions 20% off

Let’s recap what you’re gonna get...

    New Moon Webinar & Guided Meditation  ($350 VALUE)

    Wisdom Teaching & Frequency Activation ($500 VALUE)

    Community: Telegram Channel and Group Chat ($150 VALUE)

    Soulcast & Energy Report for the Month ($350 VALUE)

Total Value: $1350

You will Receive this all for: 

Founding Member's Price: $44 billed monthly

Regular Price Coming Soon:

$88 per monthly


You will receive all of the above  
1:1 Monthly Soul Frequency Session with Dawn Elle

If you’re looking to elevate and leap into your next level of brilliance, this is your option. This custom Soul Frequency session will be a mix of Channeling, Trauma Healing, Frequency Alignment, Quantum Leaping, and Soul Coaching. Lock this opportunity in if you’re ready for sustainable transformation and a more soulful life. 

VALUE: $1850

VIP PRICE: $444 Billed Monthly

*Limited Spots Available for this Option*

With more than 17 years of being in chronic pain, 11 surgeries and misdiagnosis after misdiagnosis; I was at my wits end with the pain, medication and doctors. With nothing to lose, I took a leap of faith and called Dawn and scheduled an appointment. We met for 3 hours and my life changed drastically and immediately. Prior to seeing Dawn, my pain level was between a 7-10 daily (on a scale of 1-10, 10 being unbearable). Within a few days, my pain level decreased significantly (between a 2-3 daily) and I remained at that level for 3 months. When I started to feel a bit off, I knew it was time for Dawn to give me a little tune-up. Yet again, she helped get me back on track. The information she provided was invaluable and life changing. Everything she said would happen has indeed happened. Her timelines have been spot on and she continues to teach me how to heal myself. 
Dawn Elle is one of the most amazing women I have had the pleasure of working with! No more doctors! Just Dawn, the most amazing Healer who I will forever be grateful to for giving me my life back!
Melissa Murray

“Wow wow wow! Thank you Dawn. I've been focusing on healing the inner child ... lightening up having fun and BEING and NOT always DOING.”  - Joy P.

“I can’t thank you enough for this today. I wasn’t even on during the live feed and I still feel like you were speaking directly to me. I got so much out of this.”  - Denise B.

“Thank you, Dawn. Overwhelmed with high vibrations! You are spot on, my dear. Thank you! Lots of homework. You are absolutely brilliant! ” - Cheri M.

“So powerful! My entire body is activated right now. I miss you so much!” - Erica S.

“Loved the meditation! I am listening to it again tonight!” - Artemisa H.

“You gave me goosebumps. thank you! I needed this.” - Nikki L.

“WOW! Amazing reading and so accurate. Thank you!” - Hari B.

“That was awesome -thanks for sharing...we can all relate & appreciate you being candid with us.” - Christine A.

“Thank you so much, Dawn! As always, you are magic!” - Jen V.

Let me help you unlock your brilliance. I will guide and empower you to learn about your greatest asset-your heart. 

Have faith that your life will work better when you hear your intuition, manage your energy, follow your heart, and are connected with a Soul Tribe.

Let this space inspire you to dig deeper and feel held in the sacred.

Your relationship with your Higher Self/Soul and the Divine is holy and can be weaved throughout all you do. Saying yes to Soul Lab will begin the process of opening you up to more miracles on a daily basis.

Why wait? Trust the synchronicities that led you here.


 How will I be billed? 

There will be a monthly recurring fee on the day that you sign up. It is a month to month membership till canceled.  

 Will I get individual time with Dawn Elle?

 There is a group coaching call where you will have an opportunity to be coached for a short time. If you need more time, you can schedule a session with your Soul Lab Discount (20% off) 

 How much time a week will I have to dedicate to Soul Lab?

In total, you could technically watch all the videos via replay and it would be about 2.5 hours per month.  

 Are the videos recorded? 

Yes, all replays will be provided in the Membership portal

 If I can’t make the Group Coaching Q&A, can I submit my questions before?

Yes, I want everybody to have an opportunity to receive guidance if they need it.

 Will I be able to connect with the other members of Soul Lab?

Yes, there will be a group chat feature in Telegram.

 Will Dawn be answering questions in the Telegram Chat?

The Telegram chat is for the members to connect and there will be a moderator for any admin or technical issues that arise. 

 How long should I commit to being a member to get the most value?

A minimum of 6 months, but truly to receive the best results, a year is suggested.

I’ve been working with Dawn for nearly 4 years and I honestly don’t know how I ever lived without her. She is one of the most amazing humans I know. I jokingly call her my guru because that’s what she is to me, she has these incredible gifts and I just feel so grateful that she is sharing her gifts with the world and that I get to be part of it.
She is totally unintimidating, and uses storytelling and humor to help her clients understand the messages that are coming through. So, not only is she magic, but she’s fun to be around and keeps it real.
Jen Verruto

Source Oracle, Soul Mission Leadership, 
Divine Blueprint Activator, & Ascension Mentor

Dawn Elle started as an Intuitive Healer in 2007 with an emphasis in Source channeling, energy healing, and frequency activations for her international client base. Her body of work now also includes Soul & Biz Mentoring where she leads clients to remember who they are at a soul level, tap into their inner guru, and live life on purpose to become conscious creators and leaders. She also mentors other coaches, healers, and consultants to create their own sustainable 6 + figure businesses.  

Her signature program, “Majesty Mastermind” is designed to exponentially help clients see their inherent brilliance and gifts, have fierce self love, and ignite their power and prosperity consciousness to activate their soul mission for the planet. She also leads local and international retreats, workshops, and has two transformative self paced programs. Dawn is highly trained in a number of modalities including: Channeling, Theta & Quantum Healing, Trauma Certified, and Futuring.  

Source Oracle, Soul Mission Leadership, Diving Blueprint Activator, and Ascension Mentor

Dawn Elle started as an Intuitive Healer in 2007 with an emphasis in Source channeling, energy healing, and frequency activations for her international client base. 
Her body of work now also includes  Soul & Biz Mentoring where she leads  clients to remember who they are at  a soul level, tap into their  inner guru,  and live life on purpose to become  conscious creators and leaders.  She also mentors other coaches,  healers, and consultants to create their 
own sustainable 6 + figure businesses.  
Her signature program, 
"Majesty Mastermind is designed 
to exponentially help clients see their 
inherent brilliance and gifts,  have
fierce self love and ignite their
power and prosperity consciousness 
to activate their soul mission for 
the planet.  She also leads local and
international retreats, workshops, 
and has two transformative 
self paced programs. Dawn is highly 
trained in a number of modalities 
including: Channeling, Theta & Quantum Healing, Trauma Certified, and Futuring.  

All Rights Reserved 2021. Dawn Elle. Live In Your Light.